Automakers – vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, battery producers, semiconductor makers and technology companies – are foundational to the U.S. industrial base and competitiveness.

These are the companies on the frontlines of the transformation of the modern – and the indispensable – automotive and mobility sector. Why indispensable? Automaking underpins our industrial base and ensures the country’s economic and national security.

2024 DATA DRIVEN: Navigating the Road Ahead includes data on:

  • Auto industry jobs, tax revenue, export activity;
  • Investments in electrification and mineral supply chains;
  • Sales data and an overview of all vehicles on U.S. roads;
  • Safety technologies, crash data, research and development data.



DRIVING FORCE breaks down the ways the auto industry supports the American economy and strengthens communities in all 50 states. Cutting-edge facilities that assemble millions of cars and trucks. Major transportation infrastructure to export completed products to points across the country and around the world.

Real people. Real investment. Building the cleanest, safest, smartest vehicles ever and redefining personal transportation for the next generation and beyond.

Key Findings:

  • Automotive ecosystem drives $1 trillion into U.S. economy each year — nearly 5% of GDP;
  • Almost 10 million jobs coast to coast; $105 billion in exports;
  • Every direct job in vehicle manufacturing supports 10.5 additional American jobs;
  • Every $1 spent in vehicle manufacturing creates additional $3.45 in economic value;
