Autoliv, Inc. is the worldwide leader in vehicle safety systems, and through our subsidiaries we develop, manufacture and market protective systems, such as airbags, seatbelts, steering wheels and pedestrian protection systems for all major automotive manufacturers in the world. In 2020, our products save over 33,000 lives each year and prevented ten times as many severe injuries.

Member’s Facilities

Autoliv Location Employees
Autoliv Auburn Hills Auburn Hills, MI 373
Autoliv Brigham City Brigham City, UT 918
Autoliv Columbia City Columbia City, IN 46
Autoliv Ogden Administration & Technical Center Ogden, UT 318
Autoliv Ogden Assembly & Service Ogden, UT 1971
Autoliv Ogden Logistics Ogden, UT 102
Autoliv Memphis Distribution Center Olive Branch, MS 23
Autoliv Promontory Promontory, UT 274
Autoliv Tremonton Tremonton, UT 267